American Fireglass Pacific Blue Reflective 1/4-in Fire Glass 10 Lb


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AFF-PABLRF-10 American Fireglass 10 lbs 1/4" Accent Gems - Pacific Blue Reflective CRYSTAL BRILLANCE - ACCENT GEMS

  • Pacific Blue Reflective Glass
  • 10 lbs of Fire Glass
  • 1/4 Inch Diameter

1/4" PACIFIC BLUE REFLECTIVE FIREGLASS is available in our Premium Collection. It is the best selling blue colored glass from our Premium Collection. Pacific Blue Reflective is a great choice for use in a fireplace with light painted walls such as white or eggshell or in a home with more modern decor. Pacific Blue Reflective Fireglass is also a common choice for use in an outdoor fire pit that sits close to a pool or decorative fountain because the color of the fireglass and the water accent each other nicely. Pacific Blue Reflective is a dark blue colored glass with a reflective mirror effect on one side. The reflective properties offer a brilliant sparkle under the mid day sun or a reflection of fire while the flame is burning after dark.

Item Type:  Fire Glass
Includes Burner:  No
Color:  Pacific Blue Reflective


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